Guided by 1 Timothy 3:1-7,
1 Timothy 5:17-22, and Titus 1:5-9, Leadership Team members shall be highly respected, spiritually mature and growing members (men or women) who have demonstrated the ability to make wise decisions in order to lead the church to accomplish its mission. The Leadership Team is to help the Senior Pastor and Management Team in overseeing the spiritual direction, leadership, and protection of the church. They are to direct and lead (1Timothy 5:17) and are to be the decision making arm of the church when the church is not in a business meeting.

deacon Ministry

The church, guided by 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:3-8, shall elect deacons from its membership to comprise the Deacon Ministry Team. Deacons shall be servants of Jesus Christ who extend the Senior Pastor's ministry and provide service to the members and the community.

Characteristics of a deacon shall be integrity, dignity, and proven spiritual maturity. Deacons shall be temperate, good stewards of possessions, faithful to biblical doctrines, dedicated to their family, and willing to serve.